Monday, March 30, 2015

長所日記  Keep A Positive Journal.


Keep A Positive Journal.

Hello, I'm Kazu. On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Yasuyuki Sato who has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside), as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it. I also post some tips on how to live a happy life!

Sometimes you might lose your confidence.
In many cases you just cannot take a first step due to no guts. 

I myself find that I decrease self-belief without realizing when things don't go the way I want.

Mr. Sato recommends that you keep a journal focusing on your positive aspects. Find at least 5 good points about yourself and check wether you actually utilize your advantages everyday, in other words, wether you put them into action in your life.

If one of your good points is "benignancy", write out the specific actions that you took such as having treated someone with tenderness. Write down how you expressed your kindness to other people and acknowledge them in the positive journal everyday.

The reason why you focus only on the positive side is that the positive and negative aspects are inextricably linked together.

The negative aspect of ”short temper" has its hidden positive aspects such as "being up-and-coming" or "energy"

If a short-tempered person try to improve his personality, he may lose his positive sides at the same time.

You can also find your positive aspects from what you think are negative ones.

What are your strong points? Did you really capitalize on your strength today? 
You will find that you are taking different actions just by paying attention to this journal everyday!

You will get full of yourself if you keep doing it for a month. Just give it a try!












Sunday, March 29, 2015



”What Is Essential Is Invisible To The Eyes.”

Hello, I'm Kazu. On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Yasuyuki Sato who has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside), as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

"What is essential is invisible to the eyes" is a famous line of The Little Prince. 

As we go about our life, many of us are likely to pay attention to what we can see and find that time just passes by.

However, I immersed myself in wonderful time when I could savor the most essential thing in life that is absolutely invisible through the 2-day true self discovery seminar on this past weekends.

It was the Cosmic Consciousness Discovery Course, and people ranging from a junior high school boy to a couple in their 70s participated to discover their true nature inside. All the people had different purposes, goals, or problems with human dramas, but they all turned into different people after meeting the true self.

One junior high school student who had had a trouble with his friends realized that he had not been bullied, but his friends were telling something very important to him, after he discovered his true self. And he expressed his gratitude to all the people around him. I'm sure that his reality will accordingly change.

His father who joined with the boy was so much pleased to see his radiant face that he shed happy tears. It moved all the people in the room. 

There was a woman who had hated her mother for a long time and couldn't forgive her mother's behavior, because she thought she would get defeated if she forgave her mother. 

But finally this woman could find the true love and gratitude for her mother when she discovered her true nature within. She left for home with a tender smile on her face.

There was also a woman who could finally find her true mission or her goal in life. 

Another man who couldn't have accepted what happened to him in the past and regretted it for a substantial period of time has changed his perspective on his past.  He has realized a fact that he learned an important lesson from it and what had happened to him was absolutely necessary when he saw everything from the universal consciousness. 

All the roads leading up to the moment to discover the true self differed, but every life had its own drama.

People are wonderful and born with a tremendous potential inside them! This weekends  assured me of a fact that we have everything within and have a immense power that can solve all the problems. 













Saturday, March 28, 2015



The Magic of Words.

~Today I'll post an excerpt from one of Mr.Sato's bestselling books, One Small Step Everyday Can Change Your Life~

People often use words in an ambiguous manner. Such words as delicious or joyful seem to be definitive. 

However, depending on the person who actually eats the food or experiences the situation, those words have different definitions. 

You may have an experience that you didn’t enjoy the food very much at a restaurant that was given stars by Michelin, because people have different tastes.

Now you can use this ambiguity that the words have when you talk to others the opposite way around. 

I’m not saying that you can lie to others, but I recommend you intentionally use positive words. 

Especially, such words as happy, beautiful, and good are very effective words to use so as to create happiness.

When you go out with your boyfriend or girlfriend, use those words as many times as possible. When you look up at the night sky, say to yourself “How beautiful those stars are!” Before going to bed, you can talk to yourself “It was a wonderful day.”

 Those words work like magic and words create your life.

Things that your mind acknowledges become your reality. Your words are something like signals that connects your mind and your reality.

Try to use many positive words and phrases. A happy talk can create not only an enriching conversation, but also pep up your mood. Now try it out!















Friday, March 27, 2015



The Cosmic Consciousness Discovery 

Hello, I'm Kazu. On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Yasuyuki Sato who has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside), as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it.

Today one of the true self discovery seminars named "Cosmic Consciousness Discovery Course" will be offered in Tokyo, and I'll serve as an assistant instructor.

We normally see things and people through a lens, or bias that is made of all the memories of our past experiences. 

In fact, if we have a different perspective, the same thing or people will be seen totally differently. As a result, we will have different ideas.

When climbing up a mountain, the higher you go up, the wider view you will enjoy. 

Likewise, the dimension of your consciousness level determines your perspective. The highest conscious dimension is the cosmic consciousness or whole consciousness.

In the seminar participants actually experience the Cosmic Consciousness having bodily sensation in two days. As a result, they totally change their perspectives.

Many couples on the verge of divorce become lovey-dovey right after they discover their true self, because they see each other from the view of the cosmic consciousness. They can grasp the true nature that is love itself.

I'm very much looking forward to seeing what sort of miraculous dramas unfold today!


こんにちは 。谷和代です。










Thursday, March 26, 2015



Meeting Yourself In the Past.

Hello, I'm Kazu. On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Yasuyuki Sato who has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside), as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

~Today I'll post an excerpt from one of Mr.Sato's bestselling books, One Small Step Everyday Can Change Your Life~

You may sometimes wonder what you really want to do in life. Even those who keep having strong dreams or goals sometimes fret about their future. 

Here is my suggestion for you. Travel around the places where you have spent time in the past since you were born. 

One effective way to refresh yourself is to go back to the origin, especially when you are unable to make a decision.  It is just like going back to the starting point, when being lost in the street.

Visit long-forgotten places such as the kindergarten or elementary school that you used to go. You can also visit a park where you always played with your friends in your childhood. 

You may also make a journey to the vacation resort where you and your family used to have a good time. It brings back some of the good old days.

When you actually pay a visit to those places and feel them with five senses, you will surely find something that you didn't anticipate. 

In some cases you may pick up a fact that you didn’t realize like your memory was somehow romanticized and doesn't match the reality. Or you might recall many important things in the past. 

This will make you feel energetic. It really works like magic. When you physically go back to the original point, your can also get a fresh start.

As you grow up, you are more likely to compare yourself to others. However, once you relive your own feelings in the past, it will give you the power to believe in yourself. 

Recharge and refresh your mind by meeting yourself in the past.













Wednesday, March 25, 2015



Live Lighter!

Hello, I'm Kazu. On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Yasuyuki Sato who has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside), as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

Milder air gives us a sense of the upcoming spring. Speaking of springtime, my family have moved frequently in this season because of my husband's job ( Most of the changes in personnel take place in spring in Japan) . Moving always reminds me of a pile of unnecessary items in my house.

However, curiously enough I became reluctant to let go of them, even though they were not necessary any more.

Mr. Sato says that if you are obsessed with physical matters such as money and things, you will be consumed by anxiety of losing them before you know it. Furthermore, you will drop into a habit of getting more and more things to get peace of mind.

It means that you position yourself to "protect" things and people that you cling to instead of letting go. You might think that you have so many things and people that you have to protect such as your house, family, possessions, honor, or yourself etc..,but this attitude does form a hotbed of ego.

Moreover you may not be able to stand up for it all the time, and it will put you through emotional turmoil.

Mr. Sato suggests that you should "let go" of all your attachment or obsession, even more so for what is the most important for you.

It is because you can find something new once you completely let go of what you cling to in your mind. If you can quit hold of it in your mind, it means you actually let go of it. Eventually you won't be afraid of anything and you can take bold steps.

All you have to do is to brace yourself for letting go of everything and to turn over a new leaf so that you can make an entirely fresh start.

Our body also renew itself by instinct. It is said that all the cells even in bones in our body completely freshen up in two years.

Wouldn't it be great to let go of everything in your mind and to live your life in a lighthearted mood!














Tuesday, March 24, 2015



Across A Language Barrier.

Hello, I'm Kazu. On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Yasuyuki Sato who has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside), as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

Yesterday I offered a one-on-one session of true self discovery with a French woman. She has been in Japan just for 4 months, and she is very much interested in this country which is completely different from her own.

This genuine French woman in her 30s has actually traveled around the world seeking real enlightenment.

She has visited many holy sites including secluded regions in India, Nepal, and Tibet. She has experienced mediation and training with monks during her long stay in those areas. 

She shared an interesting story. There was a famous sacred place in India that was about 7 hour's drive from New Delhi. In the town, topics of all the people were exclusively spirituality wherever she visited. Even in restaurants people next to her only talked about inner world, soul, spirit etc.. She said she found it very intriguing.

She says that it is quite easy to feel love for all the people when she meditates in those places, but she also says that what matters is to feel love and bring the true love forward into our everyday life in a city where there are so many people.

She also mentioned that she was guided to experience Mr. Sato's exercise and could easily recognize that it was authentic with her intuition.

I've offered seminars or workshops to discover the true self in English for people from other countries such as U.S., France, Italy, India, Philippines, China and South Korea. During the exercises those people use their native languages so that they can be more natural.

As a result, when they pair off to do exercises, in many cases they are at a total loss to understand each other. Yesterday the woman also spoke French while I spoke Japanese during the exercise, however, surprisingly enough, the deep love reached across each 
other. It was really amazing!

Yesterday I could reaffirm that the true self or the true love within is connected as one regardless of races, cultures, or past memories of experiences that people have..














Monday, March 23, 2015



The Law of Natural Healing.

Hello, I'm Kazu. On this blog I write about the true self discovery and about Yasuyuki Sato who has developed various kinds of methods to enable people to awaken to their true self (their god nature inside), as well as experiences of people who actually discovered it from my own view.

There is always restoration force at work in life just like a swing of pendulum. It is the movement to return to the original position. The force embraces body's responses such as having a fever or a cough when catching a cold. It is the force that is trying to bounce back to the healthy original condition. Mr. Sato says that our body has everything necessary within by its nature.

Then what shall we do once we get sick? Mr. Sato says that you can regard getting sick as a message from your true self. In other wads it might be telling you that you should change your lifestyle as if an alarm goes off.

When you have a pain in the body and only think of removing the pain, you will never know the cause of it just like turning off the alarm without doing anything. In case that the fire alarm blares and you turn it off without taking any action, the fire will immediately spread all over. 

Likewise, even if the symptoms seem to subside, it may emerge in a different form like  wrack-a-mole game, unless you tackle the root-cause.

If you really want to cure sickness with the fundamentals, the best way is to bring out life force through your true self. Because there is always life force or restoration power at work like the scrapes heal without knowing it.

If you depend overwhelmingly on medicine, it may keep you from restoration force you have inside. I used to look to various kinds of supplements and shop around for something new in pharmacies. But now I thankfully found that the medicine cabinet at my home dwindled in size.








